Sunday 31 July 2011


The president kept on mentioning about "Wang-wang" (a symbol of graft and corruption not only in goverment but in all sectors of philippine society. He emphasized that "wang-wang" has no place in under his catch. President Noy. proudly metioned the upgrade in credit rating. I  mentioned about billions of pesos saved so far becauseof the cancellation of project tainted with graft and corruption. And we can't blame noynoy aquino . But his goverment is seemingly reactive rather than proactive which is a bad indicator of a good leadership. I think it's but correct to mention some of the major breakthroughs of this goverment, but it's even best for thr president to also admit some of his mistakes and promise to make correction and do them quick. Since then until now, the current president still have a high trust ratings from the majority of filipino people from all classes.

Thursday 21 July 2011



Human breastmilk is the healthiest form of milk for babies. It's emphasize the value of breastfeeding for mothers aswell as the children. Both months of life and then supplemented breastfeeding for atleast one year up to two years ormore. While reconizing the superiority of breastfeeding,regulating authoririties also work to minimize the risks of artificial feeding. Breastfeeding promotes health and help to prevent disease. Artificial feeding is associated with more deaths from diarrhea in infants in both concerns about artificial formulas but there are conflicting viens about how long exclusive breastfeeding remains beneficial...

Wednesday 13 July 2011

The President i call!

Dear Mr.President,

    I wanted to let know about another important step to support public education.And if your open to recommendation,I recommend that you will not waste billion pesos of money to our country. I know you will not do this because many Filipinos hoping that there will be a change to our country Philippines .Because many Filipinos work in other country because of our problem in crisis and over populated. Mr. President i want you to do something because I know you deserve to be a president, not to waste money from our country.
    I hope that there  will be a change Mr.president.

                                                                                                                                             Respectfully yours,
                                                                                                                                           ALAN JERSON PARTO