Wednesday 13 July 2011

The President i call!

Dear Mr.President,

    I wanted to let know about another important step to support public education.And if your open to recommendation,I recommend that you will not waste billion pesos of money to our country. I know you will not do this because many Filipinos hoping that there will be a change to our country Philippines .Because many Filipinos work in other country because of our problem in crisis and over populated. Mr. President i want you to do something because I know you deserve to be a president, not to waste money from our country.
    I hope that there  will be a change Mr.president.

                                                                                                                                             Respectfully yours,
                                                                                                                                           ALAN JERSON PARTO


Rose Anne Alcones said...

yeah, allan I hope someday and somehow our government will be awaken by the reality that our society is still in down. I hope they will do what is right for our country's sake and not only for their own sake.